S3D uses chemical model to simulate combustion process in order to understand the ignition characteristic of bio-fuels for automotive usage. Publication: SC 2012.
Subsurface modeling
IPARS uses multi-physics, multi-model formulations and coupled multi-block grids to support oil reservoir simulation of realistic, high-resolution reservoir studies with a million or more grids. Publication: CCGrid 2011
Material science
SNS workflow enables integration of data, analysis, and modeling tools for materials science experiments to accelerate scientific discoveries which requires beam lines data query capability. (work in progress)
EPSi simulation workflow provides insight into edge plasma physics in magnetic fusion devices by simulating movement of millions particles. Publication: CCGrid 2010
Computational mechanics
FEM coupled with AMR is often used to solve heat transfer or fluid dynamic problems. AMR only performs refinements on important region of the mesh. (work in progress)
Material science
QMCPack utilizes quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) studies in heterogeneous catalysis of transition metal nanoparticles, phase transitions, properties of materials under pressure, and strongly correlated materials. (work in progress)